34 GEF Players to South Texas ODP
We are ecstatic to announce that 34 GEF players have been selected to their respective South Texas ODP State Team and invited to represent at Region 3 ODP Camp in Alabama. These are the best of the best.
Amazing accomplishment for these athletes and a clear sign that CC soccer is alive and healthy. #GEFpride
Aubrey Banda, Maddie Good, Kellie Hastings Stephanie Johnson, Zerique Perez, Logan Shaw Sarah Banda, Dana Curtis, Lauren Leal Cloe Morales, Sierra Posad,a Gabrielle Cumby Madison Bennett, Hunter Hoelscher Kyle Hasting,s Seth Korenek, Antonio Noyola Karo Azali ,Sean Borchard, Dylan Dunn Cesar Garcia, Quaylon Hughes ,Hamilton Lee Jahmil Reyes ,Brandon Stegall ,Riley Valls Ethan Walsh ,Stratton Butaud ,Dalton Butler Patrick Garza ,Teddy ,Libby Esau, Maldonado Jonathan Johnson ,Jame Kremling.